Distributor Films released THE CLEARSTREAM AFFAIR France Released on 02/11/2015 Policier NOW OR NEVER France Released on 09/03/2014 Drame GUILTY France Released on 09/07/2011 Drame Welcome France Released on 03/11/2009 Drame DON’T WORRY I’M FINE France Released on 11/08/2006 Drame GILLE’S WIFE France Released on 09/15/2004 Drame LOVE ME IF YOU DARE France Released on 09/17/2003 Comédie dramatique THE GIRL FROM PARIS France Released on 09/05/2001 Comédie dramatique DOORS OF GLORY France Released on 06/13/2001 Comédie dramatique PRINCESS France Released on 09/13/2000 Drame THE JOURNEY TO PARIS France Released on 07/07/1999 Comédie dramatique THE PRICE OF FAME France Released on 01/07/2015 Comédie dramatique