115 min.
Living isn't always easy. Luckily there are friends to help you through. Five women, all edging toward the wrong side of 40, face life's ups and downs together with laughter, tears and sometimes irony. Their only imperative: live, love and live some more....
Release date
Scriptwriter | Luis Galvao Teles |
Scriptwriter | Don Bohlinger |
Director of photography | Alfredo Mayo |
Sound recordist | Carlo Thoss |
Composer | Alejandro Masso |
Picture editor | Regina Bärtschi |
Costume designer | Evelyne Correard |
Sound mixer | Thomas Gauder |
Sound mixer | Philippe Baudhuin |
Sound editor | Ewin Ryckaert |
Picture editor | Jacques Witta |
Production designer | Véronique Sacrez |
Color |
Image format |
1.85 (Flat)
Sound |
Dolby SR-D
Running time |
115 min.
Language(s) |
French |